Fiche cheval currahee

the hkex cup (handicap) - section 2R6C5plathappy valley1200 M13652712 partantsDépart 13:10
15gallant valourH44p2p3p6p3pbowman h./1
212tactical commandH53p1p3p2p4pbadel a./1
37happy parkH46p8patzeni a./1
1high percentageH59p1p1p7p8ppurton z./1
2natural highH40p0p0pthompson b./1
3haydayH51p4p1p3p3ppoon m.f./1
4pandaH45p0p1p0p4pchung y.l./1
6happy soulH62p6p7p7p1pchan k.h./1
8telecom powerH45p9p0p0p0pde melo k./1
9glory bH52p0p0p2p0pchadwick m./1
10curraheeH46p0p4p7pleung k.c./1
11sky prophetH44p6p7p(23)6phewitson l./1

tolo harbour handicap - section 1R2C5platsha tin (hong kong)1400 M13652714 partantsDépart 10:00
11king milesH42p1p4p4pho c.y./101:21
211all richesH75p5p3p5phamelin a./11/2 l
39yee cheong raiderH42p0p9p9pthompson b./13/4 l
43storm legendH60p7p7p6pchan k.h./13/4 l
54d starH50p8p0p3p8pavdulla b./1encolure
612fight timeH58p9p0p3pbadel a./11/2 l
714speedy chariotH57p3p8p7p0patzeni a./13/4 l
82leedoxH59p0p7p0p8pbowman h./1cte tete
913young horizonH65p3p3p1p2pteetan k./11/2 l
107curraheeH44p7pferraris l./1encolure
1110fast as rocketH55p0pTp(23)0phewitson l./15 l
125confringoH4Inéditchau c.l./11 l 1/2
136miu fa faH47pleung k.c./1encolure
148imperial mageeH75p0p(23)0p5pbentley h./118 l

the sauternes cup (handicap) - sec 1R6C5plathappy valley1200 M13652712 partantsDépart 12:40
Non Partants : 12
111sweet diamondH71p3p6p2p8pbadel a./101:10
26cosmo navigatorH56p0p(23)0p3phamelin a./11 l
37gimme fiveH40p0p5p5pteetan k./1encolure
43curraheeH47pferraris l./11 l 1/2
52sight heroH70p9p(23)7p0phewitson l./1cte tete
68super axiomH77p1p7p0p0pchung y.l./11 l
74glory cloudH52p3p0p4p7pbowman h./12 l
85winning heartH57p4p1p4p7pbentley h./13/4 l
91sunny darlingH59p0p9p0p0pho c.y./11 l 1/2
1010manythanks foreverH40p0p6p6pthompson b./12 l
119bravo warriorH40p8p0p0pyeung m.l./14 l
12miraclesH60p4p0p(23)1pchadwick m./1