Fiche cheval dialling

dance to felix after the last handicap (1200 metres)R7C5platpinjarra australie1200 M183159 partantsDépart 07:25
11tenacious rewardH60p(23)6p3p3plucy fiore/101:11
24diallingH4(23)5p3p1p8pc johnston-porter/11/2 l
38gold vancouverF41p7p2p(23)5pjoseph azzopardi/11/4 l
43major marioH5(23)1p2p3p4pt turner/11/4 l
56kiraluiF5(23)5p1p5p6pchris parnham/11 l
65heyfield boomerH41p4plaqdar ramoly/13 l
77digital missF64p(23)9p5p0pcassey martinan/11/4 l
82just saint jamesH41pmichael poy/11/2 l
99living highF67p6p9p(23)6pj whiting/13 l 1/2