Fiche cheval vartacus

juvenile plateR2C1platvaal1000 M62819 partantsDépart 09:35
Non Partants : 3
14prophetH3Inéditc zackey4.9/100:57
26var parkM34p2p4pg lerena2.8/14 l
37vartacusH39p3p8pr munger5/1cte enc.
48gimme the flameF37pk a brewer14/1cte tete
59silver clockF33p8pr fourie6.7/13 l
62kite surferH37p(21)8p0pm v'rensburg24/13 l
71eteeayM3Inédits khumalo7.7/14 l
3labrauscoH30pp mxoli12/1
85stars alignedM37ps brown25/11 l 1/2

storm bird stakes (listed)R3C5platturffontein1000 M99757 partantsDépart 14:42
Non Partants : 2 - 6
31magic tattooM31p4pm yeni3.4/13 l 1/2
2power brokerM33p1pg lerena5.3/1
15karangetangM3Inéditk de melo8/100:58
24arividicioM32pr fourie3.1/12 l 1/2
53ode to the oceanF3(21)1p2pw kennedy3.3/112 l
6vartacusM33p8pr munger4/1
47above the worldF3(21)2p3p6pc maujean6.5/15 l